About Us

Lesley McNamara
As a single mum, I wanted to finally figure out what to do when I grew up. Business or Art – that was the question! I loved the idea of being an artist but was concerned about becoming a starving artist so off to UBC I went to start my career as an accountant. I could work and study at the same time… easy right?
Well, many years later and a few grey hairs I finished my designation and discovered that I loved helping people with their taxes. That was what accountants were meant to do! Forget the boring formulas and futures markets. I wanted to help people and business owners reduce their taxes and increase their profits to thrive and prosper in business and their personal lives!
I started out in 2006 with nothing and grew my practice to a six-figure business in a few short years. I love my life these days and feel so excited about what is next for me and my future!

Brian N. Dunn
Of course, nothing comes easy, and I could not just hang my shingle out as a Public Practitioner (although I had been a qualified CMA/CPA since 2000) without the experience and knowledge to do so. I needed to get hundreds of hours in Public Practice verified by another CPA and update a taxation course. I also improved my knowledge of Public Practice by taking a post-secondary degree program focused in this area as well as further CPA training. During this time, I enlisted the assistance of my (now) partner to work under her as a contractor while getting my qualifications.
Together we started Evolution Accounting in the spring of 2019 and a year later I completed all my qualifications and became a full partner in the firm. I am finally doing what I always was meant to and would never have it any other way. Helping business succeed is my passion!